Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Im amazed

Ok i just had to share this with you all.
I got these 2 ducks last week and finally they found out what they are.\
Anyway i was going to team them up with my kc ducks but have since been offered a drake all the way down in Victoria.
I thought "theres no way we can take a road trip for a drake".
Then the very next email (i mean right there under the last one) was from my friend who is travelling to vic and asked if there was any poultry i wanted bought back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No joke i almost fell of my chair!
So my new drake is coming in a big case of "it was meant to be" if ever i saw one!
All of this could not have been possible without my favourite website and forum backyardpoulry.com.
I have made some wonderful friends and everyone seems to enjoy helping others with their poultry hobby.
Im so happy that i found this site.!
So i with then have 2 official breeds of chooks Silkies and japs
and 3breeds of ducks, muscovies,khaki campbells and soon buff orpingtons.
Not bad for someone who bought 5 hens for $5 each in August!.

The power of poultry !

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